ISIS is showing us the face of Hell. The horrors that we see now through global media is nothing new. Such things have been going on throughout mankind’s history. Being able to actually see such horrors on our TV screen or computer brings the reality home to us.

The Bible tells us that Hell is an actual place. It is a spiritual reality and it has a physical reference point in the center of the earth. After Jesus died, He actually descended into Hell, where He proclaimed the Good News concerning Himself. I Peter 3:18-20 & 4:6

Are such horrible things as what ISIS is doing here going on now in Hell? My answer is, absolutely not. I heard a Christian once say, “Nowhere are the king’s laws enforced better than in his jail.” God is in charge of Hell, not Satan.

Then why does God allow such horrible things to go on here on earth? Freedom is real, freedom to choose good or evil. God is not wanting slaves. It is Satan who enslaves.

This world, as we know it, is quite temporary. There is to be a new heaven and a new earth in which righteousness dwells. 2 Peter 3:13 In that day, there will be no more death or Hell. Both are to be cast into the Lake of Fire. Revelation 20:14  “Our God is a consuming fire.” Hebrews 12:29 His holy Life consumes all that would destroy life. Fire cleanses and purifies. At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit’s entrance into the Believers appeared as tongues of fire.

In the meantime, realities like ISIS are warnings to us of the reality of evil. But they also should warn us of the evil that lurks within each one of us. Most of us have heard the saying, “But by the grace of God there go I.” We all are of the human race. That terrorist was once a precious little baby.

The horror of a person sawing off the head of his human brother is the face of Hell because Hell is not just a place. It is also a state of being. Hell is the horror of fallen humanity, humanity that was made to share the glory of God, His Eternal Life, Beauty, Holiness, and Love.

Jesus, the only begotten Son of God is also the Son of Man. He is the first holy human being. In Him, God’s divine Life is joined to humanity. He had no sin. He was filled with all of the fullness of God. He plumbed the depths of Hell and was raised out of our death by the power of His indestructible Life. He is fallen humanity’s Resurrection and Life. He is our Salvation.

Jesus said that even the gates of Hell could not prevail against His Kingdom. He can save the most evil terrorist and the most righteous sinner. His Word tells us that “all who call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved.” Acts 2:21

Rosemary E Hyslop
October 5, 2014


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